Biomechanical Acupuncture

This is a specialist acupuncture approach for the treatment of back pain.
Biomechanical Acupuncture is a unique muscular skeletal acupuncture approach that offers a real solution to patients whose painful conditions have not responded to injections, other forms of acupuncture,
physiotherapy, osteopathy or chiropractic treatment.

Biomechanical Acupuncture focuses on finding and treating both individual Tension Points as well as

Tension Point Networks within muscular skeletal functional units within the muscular skeletal system.

Biomechanical Acupuncture employs a gentle and even needle technique called Precise Density Needling (PDN) in order to minimise trauma both for the patient as well as the targeted soft tissues and to maximise the precision of the needle insertion. Precise Density Needling (PDN) enables the practitioner to treat complex tension point networks and place the needle tip precisely into the core of a

Tension Point, where it unfolds its therapeutic action:

The needle tip relaxes and weakens the tension point from inside the Tension Point.

Biomechanical Acupuncture:

  • Eases pain and helps to improve strength by improving tissue quality
  • Treats pain and weakness from the exact point of origin

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