Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture
Acupuncture according to the therapeutic laws of traditional Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture according to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine is a holistic treatment that is rooted in over 2000 years of medical experience. The emphasis of the treatment is on maintaining health rather than treating the presenting symptoms in isolation.
For a full list of indications please consult the WHO (World Health Organisation) indication list. In China traditional Acupuncture is used together with Western medicine to treat hospital patients.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, health is dependent on a balanced and healthy flow of “Qi” - the body’s vital energy - through meridians which lie underneath the skin of the human body. The even flow of Qi can be disturbed by external and internal, physical, mental and emotional factors.
The skill of an Acupuncturist is to determine the individual disharmony pattern of a patient. In an initial assessment session the medical history of a patient is taken. The practitioner asks detailed questions about body functions such as sleep, elimination, digestion, diet etc in order to establish an accurate picture about the patient’s health. The colour, shape and coating of the tongue as well as sophisticated pulse diagnosis further fine tune the diagnostic picture as they reflect the health of organs.
By inserting fine, single-use needles into individually chosen acupuncture points, which are doorways to the meridians, the acupuncturist rebalances the flow of qi.
Acupuncture according to the therapeutic laws of traditional Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture according to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine is a holistic treatment that is rooted in over 2000 years of medical experience. The emphasis of the treatment is on maintaining health rather than treating the presenting symptoms in isolation.
For a full list of indications please consult the WHO (World Health Organisation) indication list. In China traditional Acupuncture is used together with Western medicine to treat hospital patients.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, health is dependent on a balanced and healthy flow of “Qi” - the body’s vital energy - through meridians which lie underneath the skin of the human body. The even flow of Qi can be disturbed by external and internal, physical, mental and emotional factors.
The skill of an Acupuncturist is to determine the individual disharmony pattern of a patient. In an initial assessment session the medical history of a patient is taken. The practitioner asks detailed questions about body functions such as sleep, elimination, digestion, diet etc in order to establish an accurate picture about the patient’s health. The colour, shape and coating of the tongue as well as sophisticated pulse diagnosis further fine tune the diagnostic picture as they reflect the health of organs.
By inserting fine, single-use needles into individually chosen acupuncture points, which are doorways to the meridians, the acupuncturist rebalances the flow of qi.
Call us to arrange a consultation and begin your treatment.